After writing captions for Masterpiece Theater and carrying coffee and props for Kevin Bacon on an America Playhouse drama in over three decades ago, I worked as a researcher, associate and co-producer, field director, cameraperson and writer on a number of documentaries and series, including: Columbus and the Age of Discovery, Local Heroes, Global Change, Destinos, Mexico, "Mirrors of the Heart" [see excerpt here] for the Américas series, Dog's Best Friend, Unfinished Country (Wide Angle), and When The Drum Is Beating. Learn more about When The Drum is Beating or watch the trailer:
I began my three-decade career writing stories as the police reporter at the Daily Hampshire Gazette. Later, I wrote extensively for mainstream and non-mainstream outlets, weeklies and magazines while in Haiti, including the Miami Herald, the Sun Sentinel, Inter Press Service, Dollars & Sense, Latinamerica Press and Américas [pdf].
In Haiti I also frequently freelanced as a producer and videographer for Reuters TV from Haiti and for Associated Press Television News from both Haiti and New York City.
Also, some of the many text and/or video stories to which I contributed while serving as Editor and Coordinator at Haiti Grassroots Watch appeared in/on Al Jazeera, The Guardian, Democracy Now, CBC, Truthout, and numerous other outlets. I also wrote a few columns for the Huffington Post.
And I contributed to dozens of stories during my tenure as director and editor for Somerville Neighborhood News in 2014 and 2015. My Somerville articles also occasionally appeared in the Somerville Journal and Inter Press Service. More recently I’ve written some pieces for FAIR and one for NACLA.
Some videos (raw and edited packages) from various years are on my Youtube page. And some articles and research papers are available here.